Arizona State University is a leader in developing the science of complex adaptive systems, a new approach that is transforming the way we study the dynamics of interconnected social and natural systems.
This groundbreaking work is taking place through a consortium of four exciting research centers led by our best and brightest from across the university who are also experts in mathematical modeling and computational sciences.
Together with our global partners we are tackling head-on the challenges of uncertainty, scalability, tipping points and path dependence that are at the heart of the most pressing issues facing industry and society. Our aim is to help establish the international standards and infrastructure for a world-changing complex adaptive systems approach to the transformational changes we must make for a sustainable future.
Join us on this exciting adventure to shape the future of science and our society by participating in conferences co-sponsored by ASU and its international partners:
CCS'15: The 2015 Conference on Complex Systems is convening in Tempe, Arizona on September 28-October 2, 2015. Co-Sponsored by the Complex Systems Society, Arizona State University and the ASU-SFI Center the annual European Conferences on Complex Systems (ECCS) have become a major venue for the Complex Systems Community since they were started in 2003. For the first time this year the conference will be held in North America to foster and multiply contacts between the European, North American and Asian communities working in this domain. CCS’15 will be a major international conference and event in the area of complex systems and interdisciplinary science in general.
III Open GSS Conference was convened in Tempe, Arizona October 8-9, 2014. Global Systems Science (GSS) is about providing global systems of interconnected solutions to global problems. This involves not only looking at the whole of our planet and its societies but also looking at it from a trans-disciplinary and trans-formative perspective that connects all kinds of scientific knowledge and engaging as many people as possible in collective action. The concept of green growth has been proposed as one of the few globally distributed innovative and engaging systemic solutions to our current global predicament.
On October 8-10, 2014 scholars and practitioners met in the US, China and Europe to share insights and discuss open questions about green growth. The three sub-events were connected via internet allowing real-time interactions across the three continents. The conference as a whole helped to develop the research needed to address global challenges like the one of green growth.